Sunday, 17 August 2014

Loppy's Crispy Sea Kale

Today will be another recipe, I've been cooking more than anything else lately as I haven't really had time for general crafting.
I've seen a lot on Pinterest over the last year about a vegetable called Kale. I had never heard of it before but apparently my mom has grown it in the past, she doesn't really like the taste though. I decided to buy some to make the most popular recipe I've seen; kale chips. Apparently they're supposed to taste even better than potato crisps but they're super healthy. It took me 3 days to hunt down a bag of kale from the supermarket, and the only type I could find was shredded curly kale. I wasn't sure if it would work as kale chips but I tried it anyway. I decided that I wanted salt and pepper flavour crisps so I followed the instructions and when they came out of the oven they didn't exactly look like the pictures I'd seen on Pinterest...they looked more like crispy seaweed from the Chinese. Upon tasting them I realised that they tasted a bit like crispy seaweed too, and nothing like I imagined they would. So the next day I tried again but using salt and sugar, and they tasted EXACTLY like crispy seaweed, even my mom likes them!

So here's my recipe for Crispy Sea Kale :)

  • 1 bag shredded curly kale
  • Oil
  • Salt
  • Sugar
Evenly spread out the kale on a baking tray in a single layer (you may need to do this in batches depending on how much kale you have). Drizzle a bit of oil over the leaves and add a teaspoon each of salt and sugar. Toss the kale to evenly coat the leaves and spread out again.
Bake for 10-15 minutes at gas mark 4, shaking and rotating the tray half way through.

Enjoy your crispy sea kale :)
This won't store well in the fridge (it goes soggy), so store in an airtight container for a couple of days.

Loppy x

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